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OSTF Draft Minutes 01-03-2011
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        January 3, 2011
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Karl Reichle, Betty Warren, Jeff Folger

Guest: Matt Galligan, Town Manager, and Town Councilor Tom Delnicki
Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm.

Public Participation
Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the December meeting were approved as amended.
New Business

Matt Galligan came to the meeting because there were concerns over the financial data presented last month.  The first issue was the Barton property.  The maintenance costs were associated with the two houses until they were sold.  The Union School property (771 Main Street) had an appraisal done because the town was considering keeping the land in the rear as open space.  An appraisal was done on 18 acres near St. Francis Church.  This parcel would be near Pleasant Valley School which made it attractive to the town. The Archdiocese is the owner and after deliberations decided not to sell the property to the town.  A private sale would be more lucrative.

Louise Evans was concerned over how the open space fund was being spent.

Matt Galligan discussed the original Firehouse property.  Bond Council said we had to put the account in Open Space. As far as possible uses, a Regional Animal Control Center is a possible use.  Manchester, SW, East Hartford, and Ellington would participate.  There is a grant for $500,000 that may be available for this purpose.

Pat Botteron asked about the interest charges. Matt Galligan explained that the town takes out short term bonds until there are enough bonds to take out a long term bond. The interest is the short term bond interest.

The Nelson property had two appraisals done.  One with the house included and one done with the house removed.

Louise Evans wanted clarification that open space funds can not be used for improvements.  That is correct. The improvements to Major Donnelly were funded from Capital funds.  Jeff Folger reminded everyone that the DEP required the sign.
According to Matt Galligan, the excess property on 765 Sullivan Avenue was always commercial.  Betty Warren explained that the proposal before Inland Wetlands had open space included.  This presentation influenced the commission although Betty wasn’t sure if the vote would have changed.  They relied on the Fire Chief and the Engineer to present the town’s position on the land.  Matt Galligan said he was not aware of the presentation.  The Public Building Commission has the authority.  Karl Reichle asked if the wording of the approval included the open space.  Betty Warren didn’t think so. Betty felt the commission was led astray.  Matt Galligan explained the effects of the sale of property if there was an easement or if only the frontage on the corner of Sullivan and West Road were included.  Roy Normen said we should maximize profits from the sale of the excess land.  Betty Warren asked for our support but Louise Evans felt the Inland/Wetland issue would only confuse the issue with the Town Council.

Herb Asplund:  I move to have the Open Space Task Force take the position that the balance of the property not occupied by the Firehouse be offered for sale.  Louise Evans seconded the motion.  Yes – Roy Normen, Louise Evans, Sue Larsen, Herb Asplund, Karl Reichle, Pat Botteron      No  Betty Warren, Jeff Folger

Betty Warren said that if a private developer did what the town did, there would be a lawsuit.  She would still like access on Sullivan Avenue to Major Donnelly Park. Louise Evans said access management would not be a problem although Matt Galligan said it would be if the commercial developer wanted the access.

Councilor Tom Delnicki came in.  Including Pat Botteron on the Town Council agenda was a mistake.  Only Betty Warren needs to be there to explain what happened at the Inland Wetlands meeting.

Matt Galligan reported on the Niederwerfer property.  There is a fiduciary concern which a volunteer attorney is researching for them.  The house is still a major concern.

Pat Botteron left the meeting and Louise Evans took over.
Old Business

Roy Normen was given the go ahead to set up a special meeting to discuss financing and contributing land to the town.  He would contact an attorney and a financial analyst or accountant to be the speakers.

Betty Warren said the letters regarding PA 490 have not gone out.
Other Business

Our next meeting will be February 7th.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:58p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen